今日の気分~Mazzy Star~


はい、今日の気分はMazzy Starということで、彼らの曲の中でもトップ3に入る位好きな曲を

Give You My Lovin/Mazzy Star


コード進行はひたすらG Cをループして少しAmが出てくるだけの、本当にシンプルな構成で曲通してあまり変化もないんですが、心地よくて、歌詞をたどって聴くのが好きです。


Give you my lovin'
Seven days a week
I'll be your honey
If you'll be sweet
I know I'm the only one for you
I know that you think this is not true

Man says it's raining, raining outside
I'll be out there in a little while
Cause you see, rain reminds me of you
And everything has turned to you
See you in the places I'm following you
You'll be upstairs and I'll be there too

Everywhere you go I will follow
I know it won't be the same tomorrow

People give me warnings
Stay away from you
They say you'll hurt me
I don't think that's true

Discomfort arrouses when I speak of you
As if you've been saying something bad about me
When I see you, I want to kiss you
But I know that ain't right so I ask if I can hold you
Oh babe I need you so bad
Oh babe I only want to make you glad

Hope Sandvalの歌詞は、こういったタイプの女の子目線のものが多くてそこがいいんですよ~

